I'm South African/British but I was raised all over the world. I have a strong passion for climate justice and regularly make eco-friendly and eco-conscious choices in my daily life. I'm a very musical person and I love reading too!
My challenge
I have decided that I will be going vegetarian for the month of March!

Today was a travel day! I was heading back to Bristol after a week away and I have to say, there are very limited options in terms of meal deals that are suitable for vegetarians and lactose intolerant people! It obviously didn’t help that I was in the middle of nowhere and there were about 4 sandwich choices. I think I made the clever choice of going with the stale cheese and tomato! 

It has been rather disappointing to see the very limited options for vegetarians and vegans or those with dietary requirements in terms of meal deals. Something that is supposed to make a busy day about 5% easier, ends up being even more of a mission! 

I think I may plan ahead in the future to avoid that from happening again! 

For Day 1, my flatmates and I decided to use mushrooms as a meat substitute when making our dinner. The recipe called for chicken thighs but we decided to go on a walk to our local vegetable shop and buy mushrooms that weren’t packaged in plastic! I’d call that a double win for us! 

For Day 2, I did my food shop and was shocked at the number of meat free options my local supermarket has. I also spent some time today researching different vegetarian recipes which proved to be really interesting!