I work part time as an Estate Assistant in Campis Divison and I am also a busy mum of 3. Environmental issues were always close to my heart. I am really looking forward to this challenge.
My challenge
Start using reusable nappies for my baby girl.

What I have learnt about my challenge is that I have my favourite brands which are Little LoveBum and TotsBots but also reusable nappies aren’t perfect. What I mean is the fact that I need to change them more frequently than disposable ones. They tend to leak much faster and sometimes in unpredictable way. 

I think they are really worth a try but I am not as exited about them as I were at the beginning. Or is it a challenge burnout?

I started to think about other things I can try. I am a member of Milk and More several years now but I always wanted to try App – Too Good to Go.

The idea here is to eliminate food waste. Restaurants, cafes, and even supermarkets in your area offer up surplus food, meals, and produce at a discounted price for you to purchase, usually they are discounted more than 50%. I downloaded Too Good To Go because I liked the goal of supporting local businesses while doing it sustainably. I picked up this afternoonthe first magic bag from local bakery. They are called magic because you never know what you will actually get. For £3,99 I got loaf of bread, baguette, sandwich and 4 different kind of pastries – all delicious and fresh. See photo without pastries because they were gone very quickly.

My first experience was very positive and I will definitely continue to use App. I think it is very good for families but not only.