I work in the School of Education as School Education Manager. I love everything this good world has to offer and want to make sure my two teenage daughters have the chance to appreciate this too.
My challenge
I am going meat free for the month

The meat free challenge is still going remarkably well and I no longer hear my husband pining for a good old steak or counting the days to the end of the month. Maybe our habits have changed enough in the last 3 weeks to sustain them beyond the challenge?

Apart from the enjoyment of cooking with new ingredients, there has been an unexpected lightbulb moment last week: the increased amount of fruit and veg waste convinced me to compost again.

We have always grown fruit and veg in our garden and for years we used our two compost bins. And then, I’m not quite sure why, we stopped using them. Perhaps the convenience of the food waste bin introduced by the council some years ago led us to be more complacent about sorting our food waste.

I resolved to change this last week so now the family is instructed to leave all the compostable waste in a separate container – a reused ice cream tub.