Currently doing MSc in Education, Learning, Technology, and Society. I like taking pictures of nature and landscapes.
My challenge
I would like to spend an hour outside in nature each day.

March has been so busy, yet I still manage to do this challenge.
It was started and closed on rainy days. Through this challenge, I was able to explore the nearest park. I was excited to observe and discover different lifeforms in different places.
Spending time in nature can make me feel calm and at peace. Listening to the sounds of nature is like soothing classical music. I have wanted to feel this feeling for a long time, and I hope that other people will find comfortable places like me. In addition, through this activity, I realized that talking about climate action is not always about making something big with an immediate impact or starting massive climate prevention. Changing the perspective about nature and the environment can be an alternative way to make people wonder and question, «how do I affect nature? and how does it effect on me?». Through this experience, I understand that the way to communicate climate crisis is very fundamental in shaping people’s mindsets in determining attitudes toward climate action. It can be started by rethinking and understand ‘how does nature matter on me? how do I matter in making it better or worse?» Today may be my last day spending time in nature as a part of the School of Education climate change challenge. Still, today will be a new beginning for me because I want to continue doing this for myself. I am glad that I decided to be involved in this challenge, though I may not have a significant impact on the people around me. It does help me change my view about climate crisis mitigation and lead the way I think of sustainable life.

It has been 2 weeks, I am joining this challenge though I missed one day due to my health issue. I feel this challenge help me figure out the way to deal with myself when I burn out and stuck while doing my assignment. 

Today, I run out of idea to continue my task. Then, I decided to go out. I didn’t realise that I was sitting on the bench at Brandon Hill for more than an hour while taking notes since I get inspiration for my works. I asked myself why didn’t I do this before? Since it turns out to be very helpful.

Though, I couldn’t manage to post everyday.

I do hope I can do other things as I enjoy doing this challenge.

I think I become more concerned about attitudes and small acts and things related to climate change, carbon footprint and energy consumption. 

Keeping motivated is not easy for me. I get used to being very excited initially and then easily distract and argue with myself. It probably lessens my motivation and willingness to finish that. So, I tried to step back, remembering why I decided to start. I want to learn to take over this weakness.

I enjoy being outside, but it’s tough for me to go. I am not surprised. I choose this challenge as a starting point that I can commit to because I know other people are also trying as I do. Today, I hesitated whether I needed to go or not. And in the end, I made it. I am wondering whether I should do this every day.

Being in nature makes me more curious about plants and animals that I found.
I discover an interest to figure out the name of wildflowers, trees and birds. Through its photograph, I look for it on the internet.

The Purple leaf Sand Cherry or Dwarf-Red Leaf Plum.
Yeah,  that’s the name of that adorable white flower tree. Previously, I called it «British Cherry Blossom’ because I didn’t know how to address it. As I am a Sakura admirer  (Cherry Blossom), so for me, it brings the East Asia spring vibes to England. I am glad and feel blessed because of that. Botanists recognise it as ‘Prunus x Cisterna, a hybrid plum family tree. Its parents’ native habitat is Western Asia, Caucasia, and Northwestern US and cannot be found wildly.

While I am writing this post, I reflect on Krimmerer’s Aster and Goldenrod chapter. In the Enlightenment era (17th -18th century), everything had to be proven based on testing and rational analysis. Therefore, scientists consider plants only as objects to be studied and researched. In addition, there is wisdom scepticism, separating humans and nature and is deemed not to have a mutual relationship emotionally or spiritually. In contrast, indigenous peoples consider wisdom as a crucial part of their life and value nature as a support to improve the lives of humankind.

Unlike the Enlightenment era, today’s education draws attention to the relationship between humans and nature and other beings. Some schools aim to create a sustainable environment and communities, such as  Green School Bali, Indonesia. It applies the Land and Learning approach to develop emotional connections between humans and other beings. This approach may allow the students to feel concerned and care for nature and environmental issues and be responsible by implementing a sustainable lifestyle.

Kimmerer, Robin. Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants,
Milkweed Editions, 2013. ProQuest Ebook Central,

Beautiful sunny morning. I don’t want to miss it. So my friend and I decide to get a sun kiss. Incidentally, the day before, she asked me to buy a tumbler that she wanted, so she could start using a reusable bottle as I do. We’re trying to take a walk north of Brandon Hill. We sat on benches and chatted while watching the magpies foraging for food.

Yup, it’s my first time meeting magpie. I am mesmerised by the combination of black, light blue, and white on its fur. Primarily when she spreads her wings when she is about to fly, it looks so beautiful.
It seems like nature always surprise me, and I like it!

Today it’s raining again, one of my British friends said «rainy old England». I think I’m getting used to the by minutes changing weather. I spent the whole day studying and going to class from 4.00 pm to 6.00. I thought I’d go for a short walk after class because it was getting dark and I wasn’t used to going out at night. Luckily, today my flatmate wants to accompany me for a short walk.

Actually, I felt a little bit of a failure to complete today’s mission since I was out for only 20 minutes. But during the walk, I remembered the discussion in class asking, «what is your relationship with nature?»
And I feel pretty confident saying I feel connected. I was growing up with nature but disconnected for a while. My choice to join Climate Change and education this semester drives me to join this challenge. It’s like it’s been set up for me to be connected again to the land and nature. This might be a way to acknowledge and appreciate the existence of other non-human creatures. In addition, it gives me the opportunity to identify how nature works and synchronizes to support human life. And figure out various ways of expressing gratitude towards nature.

PS: All photos that I post here are taken by myself.

        Today I went to Brandon Hill, which is not far from where I live, just a 5 minute walk. I went up the hill via small road beside Brunel House, very uphill and not many people pass through it. Actually I accidentally found that path several weeks ago. Since then I chose that route to Brandon Hills because there I could observe squirrels. Before I lived here I had never seen a squirrel and didn’t know much about this animal other than its penchant for eating nuts. So I’m interested in finding out for myself through observation. Last time I was amazed at the squirrel speed climbed up the tree and hid behind branches and twigs because there were dogs around. Maybe that’s why I don’t see many squirrels when I go to Brandon Hill via Park Street or Barkeley Square because those paths are mostly used by humans walking their dogs.

       I was lucky today, because I was able to observe the squirrel for quite long time. I didn’t dare stand too close, afraid that he would run away. He jumped here and there looking for food or maybe just playing. Within a minute he was switching from playing in the grass several times to jumping and running up the tree. This is very interesting and I can say that squirrels are very active animals.

          There was a moment that made me wonder when the squirrel was standing under a tree, not moving and staring at the housing below. Seeing his previous activity, I was wondering why he suddenly stopped and stared at the housing? For some reason, at that time, I also wondered whether the squirrel was worried, would the trees and grass where he was playing today would be replaced by that tall, big, hard, and immovable object? At that moment I felt sad and could not imagine what would happen to the squirrel and the other animals if many people don’t concern about their existence.

           If we, humans, carry out development without having concern and  thinking about the existence of green open land or forests and the sustainability of these animals’ lives, probably future generation will only know about them through the internet and machines. I do expect it will not happen. I do hope that there will be meaningful actions that we take to prevent this and mitigate the damage to nature that is currently happening. I hope by taking part in this challenge, I can contribute to prevent the possible damage and make others understand that It’s not ‘my’ problem but it ‘ours’.
Lastly, I want my future grandchildren are able to see squirrels and other animals like I did today.

Thank you for reading 🙂

Unfortunately we can’t upload video here so drop the captured picture from the video.

*Remind me at the end of this challenge to make a blog about squirrels in more proper description.

I am kind of indoor person who spend more time inside. I barely go out for a walk. I thought being inside and knowing what happened out there through internet was enough. Thus, I want to challenge myself spending one hour outside in nature each day. I am looking forward to figure out how this challenge may ‘change’ me or create new habit for me.

Previously, when it’s rainy days I wouldn’t go anywhere unless it’s necessary for example attending a class.Today was raining in the UK (I am not really considering about the weather when I choose this challenge). I decided to go outside and have a walk around neighbourhood. It’s the first time I walked under the rain for literally a walk as an adult. I was watching people walking around and how the rain drops watering the leaves and grass and fall into the water. During my walk, I was thinking of my my childhood when I was doing this alot. The different is I couldnt  hear any frogs and thunder  and never see the lightnening here, because back then when I was in my hometown raining always along with various ‘natural backsounds’. I’d like to witnessed the richness and variety of natural things to resonate myself how to maintain and reserves those things so future generation will be able to enjoy it as I am today.

It was my Day 1 story. I am hoping to do more things while I am outside. So if you’re interested in my story follow my journey while doing this challenge.


I am really sorry for my not so fluent English and typos 

