Hello! I am studying a masters degree in Electronics and working as a Estates Assistant at the University of Bristol. I am very interested in strategies to reducing carbon emissions and waste.
My challenge
I want to use zero-waste shops and buy recyclable products to half my waste.

These days I have tested consuming mainly canned and low waste products. Also tried to re-use useful things that sometimes go to the trash, like the toppers and forks I have got from events.

This results in a huge space saving in my landfill trash and avoids the use of more plastic bags.

Because this accumulated strategies, I was able to keep my landfill trash to this trashcan for the challenge month, and I am very happy to share it.

I think now is easier to incorporate more this lifestyle this into my habits.

Mindful squeezing:

I learn this while living on Japan: It is a good idea to squeeze the bottles to save some bags. In the past I was not aware of this, but in the end, it helps the planet.

I am sharing this funny posting in my office. I find this hilarious and a great idea to promote climate justice via mug promotion.

If you can’t read it on the image, it says:

“Hello thirsty friend! In an experimental attempt to reduce the amount of plastic waste in the office, the disposable drinking cups have been KIDNAPPED! DUN-DUN DUUUN!

To get them back you must embark on a relentless, Liam Neeson style, revenge quest to find their kidnapper, rescue your daughter (she was also taken with your beloved cups) and burn the whole criminal empire to the ground using nothing but your fists!…

Alternatively, you could just use a mug. If you do not have a clean mug, please use one of the many, freshly cleaned, communal mugs on the fridge.

Sincerely, your local eco-friendly criminal mastermind ”

Mottainai is a Japanese term which is used to refer to a sense of regret over waste. It can translate as «What a waste!». Environmentalists have used the term to encourage people to «reduce, reuse and recycle».

Following this thought I decided to repair my own watch band since it was recently broken by accident. This prevented the disposal of my current band and the packaging bag of the new band.

I feel good with my self after doing this since I am thinking now of the harm avoided to the planet.

Today I tried the Zero waste shop at the Richmond Building. I went with Nining and Elsa, who are also part of the challenge and I was very happy to met them today at today’s meeting Zoom rooms. 

It is nice to know the good variety of products they have: oats, rice, beans, paprika, shampoo, body wash and others. Today I bought some rice to try.

It is quite challenging though to make a habit to buy in this kind of stores since the prices are not very competitive vs other well known super markets.

Will be worth to visit other zero waste shops in the future to compare prices and products.

I think this is an idea worth sharing: Just bought this dimmable led light which replaces my halogen light bulb saving almost 50% of its energy, plus I would dim it at 20% reaching 70% savings on electric consumption.

Is worth to give a try to this dimmable Led wifi controlled bulbs.

I choose to reduce my landfill waste and for that today I decided to re-use my bread bag to contain the waste without using additional trash bags. I will try my best to keep my waste to this bag capacity.

I am very happy to read all of my Cchallenge mates! it is step by step that a big change is made.